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Fearlessness: The Ironic Key to Happiness!

Stacey Martino

If you are not currently happy with any area of your life it’s because you are NOT living fearlessly in that area of your life.

If you’re experiencing unhappiness and pain in an area, it’s just the universe telling you that you need to GROW here.

Growth, by definition, requires you to live fearlessly.


As my mentor Keith Cunningham once told me, “The solution to every problem you currently have is sitting just outside your current comfort zone, or by definition, it would not be a problem right now.”

After saying that, Keith would always say, “The question is…are you gonna go get it?”

My answer is always, “Hell YES!!”

Keith is 100% correct. I’ve never forgotten it, and I remind myself of it daily!

Living a magnificent and abundant life REQUIRES you to live fearlessly because to keep growing, you need to continually break through your current comfort zone in order to get into your next one!

Through years of personal development work, I have cultivated my emotional fitness, peak psychology and decision making process to the point that I move through comfort zones quickly and constantly.

These days, I actually look forward to breaking through comfort zones! Even in the depths of fear and pain, I feel with 100% of my being that I am about to blow through another comfort zone, despite being in the DIS-comfort part of the process.

But I sure as heck didn’t start here!

I started as a control freak! I lived small, tried to control every outcome and showed up to “get” my result in nearly every situation…while ‘attempting’ to avoid pain and discomfort at all costs.

The quality of my life directly matched my mindset: small, fearful, self-involved and scarcity-based.

I was not happy, and I had no idea that my lack of happiness had anything to do with the FEAR that was driving me.

Like most people, I used to BLAME everyone and everything else for my unhappiness…

• I felt I was too fat, so I blamed my body and my “genes”.
• I didn’t like my job so I blamed the people I worked for.
• I wasn’t happy in my relationship, so I blamed my boyfriend (at the time).
• I didn’t have enough cash, so I blamed my job, taxes, government and the price of gas!

You know what all that BLAME got me? A whole lotta nothing!

Until the day that I had a life changing experience, and I learned to turn my focus on MYSELF and take 100% personal responsibility for my life! Everything started to change for the better. That’s when I began to harness my courage and live fearlessly.By the way, COURAGE is not being FEARLESS! It’s really NOT!

Courage is feeling the fear, but taking the action anyway!

Don’t think for a second that I don’t feel fear! I sure do!

(Actually, if YOU are not feeling fear on a regular basis (small or big) then you are living too small…you’re staying ‘safe’ and NOT going for it!)

Living fearlessly, like every change in life, happens on a spectrum.

You do not go from living from fear to blowing through comfort zones on a weekly basis overnight! You take steps, baby steps.

My personal journey has taken me 20+ years so far, and I’m still cultivating my fearlessness!

The greatest gift I could give you would be ONE strategy for living fearlessly, which will shortcut this process for you, give you the biggest results with the least amount of time, effort and discomfort.

This is a strategy that my husband and I teach our students in our Relationship Breakthrough Programs & Events as part of our Decision Making Process™.

In any area of your life where you have pain or discomfort and you want MORE, the key strategy is seek out someone who is already successfully living the result you want, lean on their comfort zone and take massive action to follow their proven process.

Finding a mentor or coach is the ultimate ‘DIS-comfort, short cut’ to your next comfort zone! This is the secret that truly successful people know!

Here are a few KEYS to making this really work for you:

 Seek out someone who is successfully enjoying the results that you want. Said differently, they are living in your “after” story and you are currently in the “before”.
 Pick someone who is also successfully and repeatedly teaching others to achieve those same results, consistently.
 Follow their step-by-steps, take their programs, read their books…learn and implement their proven process.
 If they offer coaching or implementation assistance, take it. Said differently, when they reach their hand out and offer to pull you right through to your next comfort zone, say, “YES!”

You still must live fearlessly, because you must say YES and you must take ACTION!

But you are reducing the risk, fear and discomfort by using a proven process, working with a proven expert and surrounding yourself with support and love while you blow through to your next comfort zone!

How can you find the right mentor for you? Use the following self-reflection questions as a guidline:

Question #1: Where in your life do you feel unhappy, stuck, frustrated or downright miserable?

What is the “after” story that you want to live in?

Question #2: Who else has gone through it and created what you want?

If you don’t know people in your world, research online. Read, listen to or watch their training, check out programs on their website, reach out for step-by-step help! Whatever it is….say. “YES!” to their help, and take massive action!

If you feel the “fear”, harness your courage and do it anyway!
Remind yourself that the mentor or coach has already done it and has taught MANY others how to create the same results for themselves…that’s what’s going to make it easier, quicker and more effective for YOU!

Living fearlessly isn’t an abstract concept or something big and crazy that happens to “those people” but not to you. Living fearlessly is deciding to feel the fear and take action anyway!

I hope our secret strategy to model others and work with an expert will help you to take massive action, get out of your current comfort zone and charge forth into your next one…that’s where the solution to every problem you currently have is waiting for you darling!

So go live fearlessly…and surround yourself with love and support on your journey!

Comment below and let me know what results you’re looking for and who your mentor is to help you create it!

Sending love,