You know that moment, when you are in the middle of a fight with your partner and you suddenly realize that you’ve had this fight like a gazillion times already……
This is a question I get asked a lot. And understandably, it’s super upsetting for a lot of people. There are some simple solutions that you can apply to this…
This is all about the KERFUFFLE that comes up when you are PROGRESSING! (most folks won’t talk about this) Even when your New Normal (the next level you are reaching…
Let’s be real… not everyone GETS you. As a Relationship Transformer, you SEE the world differently than those who are stuck in the OLD way of Demand Relationship. And you…
Earlier this week, one of our students posted this question to me and our support team …. I asked if I could share her question (and my response) with you…
Even with the best of intentions, men and women TRIGGER each other, unknowingly, because they just do NOT understand how their partner is WIRED! Men and Women are as…