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The Missing Piece

A Proven Method to Single-Handedly Transform Your Relationship And Create Harmony In Your Home

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About The Book

Relationship experts Stacey and Paul Martino share their norm-shattering method to single-handedly transform your relationship, create unshakable love, and unleash deeper passion.

The surprising paradigm the Martinos have uncovered has been The Missing Piece in our knowledge of human relationships. They demonstrate why the old relationship paradigm is broken, why couples work is actually destructive, and how their norm-shattering one-person methodology can be easily learned by the reader to enable them to single-handedly transform their marriage, stop the kerfuffles, and bring harmony back to their home.

For over 14 years, the Martinos have helped thousands and thousands of people with their unique, skills-based methodology. In a 6-year study of student results, the students in their RelationshipU program had just a 1% divorce rate, all 6 years! Those results are unheard of and that's because... this works!
The Martinos have proven that marriage isn't a "mental health" or even a personality issue. Instead, thriving relationships are the result of a skill set that nobody else has been able to figure-out, until now.
Packed with tools, this book demonstrates how one person can quickly begin to transform their relationship, without compromise or pleasing and without having to convince their partner to get on board.
At a time when divorce rates are sky high and families are unnecessarily suffering, The Missing Piece provides powerful solutions to help the reader navigate real-life situations harmoniously, regardless of what they are currently facing.
Written in a relatable and actionable style, this book is an indispensable guide.
Whether the reader wishes to make a great relationship even better, rescue a marriage on the brink of divorce or heal a co-parenting relationship affecting their family, this book has the answers they need. Giving them the piece that has been missing all this time.
There has never been a book published which promises a one-person relationship method before. But this isn't just a theory or idea, the Relationship Development Methodology has been proven by many students, over many years. Now it's your turn to finally get The Missing Piece.


  • Save your marriage without couples work
  • Reduce and eliminate common recurring kerfuffles (even the stuff on the "we don't talk about that" list)
  • Create the win-win so you can both be on the same page
  • ​Understand your partner's wiring and how they are wired differently
  • Navigate any conversation without fighting
  • Reignite the passion or create passion that you never had together
  • ​Get along peacefully with people at work, in teams, with friends, community and with extended family

Meet The Authors


STACEY & PAUL MARTINO invented their Relationship Development® Methodology and 100s of proprietary tools to empower anyone to save their marriage, bring the passion back, eliminate the fighting, and bring harmony to their home.
For over 14 years, they have helped thousands of people to transform their marriages, parenting and families! (all by working with only ONE spouse.)

Through their profound work, the Martino’s have shown that couples work, doesn’t work; and that relationship is a skill-set and it can be learned.

The Martino’s have proven that it only takes ONE partner to transform a relationship, ANY relationship!

During a 6-year study of student results, the students in their RelationshipU® program had a 1% Divorce Rate, all 6 years! Those results are unheard of and that's because...their methodology WORKS!

Tens of thousands of people have been through their programs and events. They have spoken to hundreds of thousands of people around the world. And their brand-new book, The Missing Piece, will be released by Hay House Publishing in February 2025.

Relationship Development Org (RDO) is a mission-driven organization here to serve families. RDO’s mission is to empower one individual in each family, with the Relationship Development skill sets to transform their marriage & parenting, break the chains of Demand Relationship™ and change the trajectory of their family’s legacy.

You can connect with Stacey & Paul at

Praise For The Missing Piece

Praise for The Relationship Development®

Method from The Students

"Relationship Development is a game changer. The tools shared will affect every (and I mean every) relationship, whether it’s spouse, parent/child, business, co-worker, neighbor. Each relationship can be completely directed in a positive,

uplifting, and loving way!” 
— Bryant V.

“I stumbled across Stacey and Paul Martino while searching for ways to start my divorce. I felt that I was trapped in a marriage that I didn’t sign up for, with a husband I couldn’t speak to without fighting.

Fast-forward a couple of years and I am the happiest I have ever been! I singlehandedly transformed my broken marriage using the Relationship Development Method. My husband and I talk every day about the topics that we used to fight about.” 
— Diana

“Relationship Development is the best thing I’ve ever learned. First, so I can actually love myself for who I am, and second, so I can lead by example and help my kids learn the same. I will be forever grateful to Stacey and Paul for helping me see things differently!”

 — Julie R.

“Stacey and Paul Martino are world changers! Relationship Development has taken me to my next level in every area of my life. It fundamentally changed the way I approach life, and now I have total confidence in my ability to skillfully navigate whatever comes next. Despite ongoing challenges, I am the happiest and most at peace that I have ever been. I am eternally grateful to Stacey and Paul for the skills

and tools they teach with such incredible talent, wisdom, and sparkly joy! They are among the most important people of our generation, and I most enthusiastically recommend their teachings to anyone looking to uplevel their life and evolve their soul. Thank you, Martinos, for all you do, and most importantly, who you are!”
— D.H.

“Before joining Relationship Development, my partner and I had been in a comfortable but stagnant relationship for seven years. We were content, but we knew something was missing. Relationship Development has completely transformed our relationship. We went from a ‘meh’ relationship to experiencing love, excitement, and a shared desire to make the most of our lives together. Bonus: Our daughters are witnessing the positive impact of Relationship Development. They see first hand how a healthy and fulfilling relationship looks like and the mindset/tools required to get there.”

— Hannan

“Relationship Development not only saved my marriage, but it also saved me! My marriage was in a shambles. We were fighting what felt like every single day, and I had become a version of myself I knew was not me, not who I wanted to be, and definitely not who my family deserved! Stacey and Paul helped me realize that there was a better way! They helped me to see and understand the dynamics that were

unfolding in the fights between my husband and I, and taught me tools to actually solve them! And it worked! I believe every human deserves this knowledge!” 
— Sarah

“Relationship Development has transformed me from the inside out! Everyone deserves to have this opportunity. Practical and transformative. This is worthy work!” 

— Renee R.

“Relationship Development has transformed every aspect of my life, from my marriage and parenting to work and family relationships. I can now say that I truly love myself. Life’s challenges haven’t stopped, yet my happiness level keeps on increasing. This method is something every human being deserves to know.” 

— A.C.

“Relationship Development has completely transformed my life. I first thought it was going to make my marriage better. What I have actually received has been an absolute gift! The level of peace and joy I get to experience every day is something I never thought was possible. This, from implementing the tools and strategies to become the best and most authentic version of myself possible.” 

— Amanda

“I was teetering on the verge of despair and divorce after years of trying everything I could to reconnect with my husband for a more fulfilling and fun marriage... yet everything fell flat so I was exhausted! Something was missing and it felt beyond my grasp! Then I discovered the Martinos and their Relationship Development methodology, and everything changed for the better! I am so much happier and have a stronger love foundation to role model a healthy marriage and home life for our son.” 

— S.K.

“By the grace of God, I found Relationship Development. With Paul and Stacey’s guidance, not only was our marriage saved, but it has become better than it ever was before. Our family is joy filled, connected, and there’s a newfound peace in our home. We no longer run to the end of our skillset quickly; we are consistently growing

together as a family and learning to navigate whatever comes our way together.” 
— J.S.

“Relationship Development transformed our marriage when political tensions were straining our relationship. By implementing the methods, I shifted how I approached our conversations, especially around politics. Remarkably, this change defused the tension, and my husband, without even knowing about the tools, became more relaxed and happier. As we celebrate 30 years of marriage this year, our relationship, which had been under pressure, is now stronger and more connected. Today, we’ve moved past the political bickering and rediscovered the deep love and passion that first brought us together.”

— L.W.

“Relationship Development has changed my life for the better. I didn’t know there was so much to learn about relationships until I met Stacey and Paul. Everyone needs to learn the Relationship Development skillset and take their relationships to the next level!” 

— Hillary

“It truly only does take one to shift the relationship dynamics. I came into Stacey and Paul’s program as a woman entrepreneur transitioning a family business to the next generation. I was determined not to mess up any of the relationships at stake either the marriage or adult parenting involved. The simple (but not always easy) Relationship Development tools were presented... it was a game changer in all the best ways once that missing piece was engaged.” 

— Anne

“I started learning the Relationship Development Method because I felt my husband and I could use a relationship ‘tune up.’ I had no idea the complete awakening that I myself would receive and that I would not just ‘tune up’ but transform myself from the inside out! Thanks to Relationship Development I have a much higher level of happiness and peace within, and all of my relationships have improved, from my

marriage, to my kids, my family, friends and even my clients. ” 
— Trisha

“Relationship Development has been the most impactful training for dealing with life I had ever gone through. It is tremendously freeing to see how with the Relationship Development tools I can shift the course of my relationships with others and self. Relationship Development is the best method out there to improve the quality of your relationships. What you learn there won’t be forgotten.” 

— J.S.

“Before I found Relationship Development, my relationship with my husband was okay, but we were bickering more, and sex was infrequent. With Relationship Development, I found a new perspective and saw my role in the relationship differently. We celebrate our differences now and kerfuffles are short lived. And our kids are in the teenage years and still talk and hang out with us!” 

— H.B.

“Before Relationship Development, my marriage was hanging by a thread. I was miserable and my husband didn’t even realize there was a problem. Now our marriage is stronger than it has ever been, and I am once again happy to be married. As we continue to work at implementing the Relationship Development method, life just keeps getting better.” 

— Melinda

“Relationship Development changed my life entire life. I discovered my authentic self and deepened every relationship in my world. It has changed how I see others and given me so many tools and skills. And just when I think I have everything I need, Stacey or Paul delivers another tool or strategy, which helps me expand my skill set even more. And the best part is... my daughter has become a Relationship Transformer by watching me.” 

— K.V.

“When I remarried after my first husband passed away, I was sure this relationship was going to be easier, smoother. But there we were, 20 years later as my husband told me he had it and was moving out. I was desperate. I thought about couple’s counseling, but it didn’t work for my first marriage. And I knew my current husband wasn’t going to go to counseling. So, I gave Stacey and Paul’s program a try. And because of that, our marriage is the best it’s ever been and I’m so happy! Here’s the miracle—my husband has never participated in the program, isn’t interested inhearing about what I’ve learned—and it still works!”

— M.D.

“The Relationship Development method enabled me to navigate my divorce with grace and improved communication, while rebuilding a friendship with my husband to enable us to be the amazing coparenting team that we are today. I am a happier, calmer, stronger, and more empowered version of myself today because of these

— Debra

"With Relationship Development, I feel calmer and happier than I ever have.” 

— Lori G.

“Before I found Relationship Development, my marriage was at an all-time low. I really had no hope that things could get better and had chosen to move out of the house with my kids to start the separation process with my husband. In a few short months of learning about Relationship Development, I moved back home and felt a renewed commitment to my husband. Not only did Relationship Development save my marriage, but we are stronger than ever! I have never been happier and parenting our children together has gotten so much easier.” 

— Liz

“Relationship Development has changed the way I see life. I’m happier, more compassionate, and live life lighter than ever before. Relationship Development has allowed me to see the gifts/talents in my husband and children, and what I previously viewed as negative traits or a problem.”

— Lori

"Relationship Development has given me my life back. My marriage was hanging by a thread; our family was in much pain. I’m so thankful to Stacey and Paul for teaching me how to implement new tools and develop the skills necessary to ascend my life and relationships.” 

— Andrea H.

“I shudder to think what my life would have looked like without finding Relationship Development. I remember the enormous relief when I read Stacey’s words, ‘It isn’t parenting that you hate, it’s Demand Relationship parenting that you hate!’ And the magic isn’t just in the information she teaches, which is so revolutionary that it sometimes takes some time to accept, but the strategies to live it. Prior to this, I had read so many books and attended so many workshops regarding personal development. And after a few weeks, I struggled to incorporate those amazing principles into my life and just felt like a failure. Since doing Relationship Development, I have solved so many kerfuffles for our family. I’ve been able to navigate a lot of changes at work and have been promoted three times in my position (when I started was on the verge of elimination). And best of all, I’m able to create this without pleasing or bulldozing and I’m continuing to uncover my most authentic self.”

— K.A.

“The best part of using the Relationship Development Method is that only one person has to learn and implement it to transform their relationships. By using all of the tools and frameworks, I was able to bring peace into my household. Thank you, Stacey and Paul, for breaking down this method into pieces that make sense. I am so grateful to be closer to my husband and that we are raising our girls together as a team thanks to this work!” 

— Stephanie Z.

“Before we started the Martinos’ Relationship Development, my wife said that if something didn’t change soon, she was leaving. Then, my kids started encouraging her to leave. She was usually annoyed with me, and we fought all the time. Now our marriage is unshakeable, we have fun together, and we can navigate tough conversations.”

— Dave

“Math was always my favorite subject. Apply the formula and get a predictable result. Learning Relationship Development was mind blowing. Our home went from chaos to calm. It teaches you the formulas to get predictable results in your relationships with people!”

— Trista

“When I first met Paul and Stacey, I was living in a sad and angry version of myself. I was yelling at my kids and husband daily and held a high level of resentment toward my parents. After working through the Relationship Development curriculum and applying a few of the many tools available, I was able to see a difference. The levels of stress decreased and the peace in our home increased. I worked through past hurts and learned tools to navigate anything that comes my way. Relationship Development has changed my family tree and my kids get to experience a kinder and more authentic version of mom.” 

— R.M.

“I came to Paul and Stacey and Relationship Development broken and in victim mode. My main focus when I joined was to find someone to share my life with and to have better relationships with my two adult sons. And by using their Relationship Development system, Paul and Stacey helped change my life! Because I not only have achieved those two goals but have created an amazing relationship with myself! And I absolutely couldn’t be happier!” 

— Lisa

“Before I found Relationship Development, I was exhausted! I questioned if I ‘made the wrong choice’ in my partner, often asked myself ‘how did I get here, feeling unhappy and sad most of the time?’ When I discovered the Martinos, I started diving into their programs and pretty much every word they said. I was thinking, Wait. What? How come nobody ever told me this? Implementing the Relationship Development Method has changed my life. I found myself and was no longer unhappy and crying every day. I also discovered I didn’t make the wrong choice in my partner! I believe everyone deserves to know this. One of the best decisions I ever made!” 

— Jenny

“Relationship Development has, without exaggeration, changed every area of my life. Rebuilding the friendship with my former husband, so we can coparent as a team, I got what I needed to build a real relationship with my two grown children to an extent I didn’t even know is possible. They live Relationship Development every day! And the best: I got to know myself, I am the happiest I have ever been and it keeps getting better and better! There truly is no limit!” 

— Andrea

“Before Relationship Development, my husband and I were headed for divorce, and I didn’t really want that. Thank God for Relationship Development. Paul and Stacey helped us. Not only did I save my marriage, but it’s so much better than our marriage ever was before. Our kids are happier, there’s more rapport and systems in our

— K.M.

“Relationship Development has made my marriage and our relationship so much stronger and better. I joined because we were heading into retirement, and I wanted more than just being with my husband and going through the motions. After implementing, I began to see changes, big and small, and every day gets better; my marriage is now fun, exciting, and passionate, and I love my husband so much. There’s so much more than just getting by.” 

— J.W.

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Disclaimer: Our programs and content are not couple's counseling and are not intended as professional counseling, mental health, medical, financial, or legal advice. If you require such assistance, please seek the advice of a qualified professional.

Relationship Development® ©2025 | 2976 E State Street, Ste 120-1013, Eagle, ID 83616 | [email protected]