Free Masterclass Access: How to Fix Your Relationship!... Even if Your Partner REFUSES to Change.

Relationship Development Programs & Events


RelationshipU is our #1 program, delivering the biggest results, the fastest for our students. Inside RU, you get the full Relationship Development Toolbox, daily “done with you” services, Live Q&A with The Martinos, Multiple Multi-day Online Livestream Immersion Events, 1:1 Support Calls, Weekly Zoom workshops, RU Student Community and more! RelationshipU provides daily expert support from our team of over 50 RelationshipU Coaches, Advisors, Master Mentors and Leaders.

The students in our RU program have had a 1% divorce rate over a 6-year study period of student results. Tuition for RelationshipU is $14,997 for 12 months.


Inside RelationshipU we host a live or livestream multi-day immersion event pretty much every month of the calendar year. If you want to do an event with us, get into RU and join us! Our next event is just around the corner.


Get Instant Access to Proven Skill Sets, Tools & Strategies to Create Your Rock-Solid Marriage & Harmonious Household... all with NO Compromising, NO Pleasing and NO Convincing Your Partner to Do This With You!

Get the Skill Sets, Tools & Strategies you’ve been wanting from our Relationship Development Method at a fraction of the cost of RelationshipU. 

Maybe you feel like you aren’t ready for RU? Or maybe you wanna get the solutions & answers, but you don’t feel like you need the expert guidance, livestream immersion events, “Done with You Services”, Q&A with Stacey & Paul and daily support? 

Relationship Transformer Classroom gives you the online video curriculum you want to get the method & solutions we provide, so you can implement them to create your rock-solid marriage and get the harmonious household you desire. 

In this 10-month online course, you can get these solutions in a private member’s area and go at your own pace. Get the RT Classroom course at 75% OFF what other students have paid to get access to the same curriculum for years!


Celebrating our 13th Relationship Breakthrough Retreat 3-Day Event (Now streaming online!)

3-days to catapult your relationship to your next level! 

3-days to MANY MANY breakthroughs!

3-days to reduced kerffufles, increased harmony and relief from challenges that used to cause upsets for years!

3-days to the results you want... and NO COUPLE’S WORK!

Tickets on Sale NOW!! ONE TIME ONLY in 2024!

14-Day Boost
for Your Relationship

Do You Wanna See if This Works? Wanna try out our tools and strategies? Wanna see if you can create a shift in your relationship in as little as 14 days?

Join our 14-Day Boost for Your Relationship Program for just $47 and see for yourself!

The 14-day boost program is NOT designed to save your marriage. It is NOT designed to give you our full methodology and all our tools. It IS exactly what it says it is... a boost. AND, a way for you to see what our method is like and the kind of training we provide. 

Inside the 14-day boost you will get access to 3 of our Tools from our Relationship Development Method. 

  1. Forgive & Heal: Finally get past that thing you can’t “get past”! Whatever it is, no matter how big or how small… you can get the FREEDOM of finally being able to forgive AND authentically feel great about it! Learn how to escape the poison of unforgiveness and to release anything.

  2. Reduce Kerfuffles: Get one of the KEY Kerfuffle-reducing trainings! Take a quick assessment to know which of the four energy profiles you are and which one your partner is. and get powerful training on how to SOLVE kerfuffles. This ONE tool will explain DOZENS of unnecessary fights you are having and how to solve them! (You can even do the assessment for each of your KIDS and massively reduce some of the struggles you are having with each kid and reduce the fighting they are doing with each other!).

  3. Align as a Team: Finally see how to get on the same page with your partner and create alignment in your relationships! Do you need to get on the same page about parenting, money, work, household or family stuff? Learn how you can create a win-win solution, even when you don’t agree.