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Ooops-Aversary!…we forgot our anniversary, again!

Stacey Martino


Earlier this month Paul and I led 25 of our clients and loved ones through one of our all-time favorite experiences on earth…Unleash the Power Within with Tony Robbins!  It was beyond amazing!!! Paul and I have done UPW before, but this experience was completely different for us!  There is something very powerful, moving and humbling about leading 25 people that you love through one of the most transformational experiences of their life!  It was an event that we will never forget!

While we will never forget this UPW…there’s something we DID forget!

Funny story…

On Day Three of UPW (our absolute favorite day of the event) Paul and I were standing outside with our clients and loved ones at the crack of dawn.   (you have to be early to be first in line if you wanna sit in the front row baby…and that’s the only way we roll!)

In casual conversation, one of our friends Ana mentioned something about it being November 9th and being someone’s birthday.

At the exact same moment Paul and I looked at each other with big eyes and gaping mouths and screamed “Our Anniversary!”  We remembered at the exact same time!

It was HYSTERICAL!  We were laughing and smiling…and kissing! Paul looked at me and said “It’s PERFECT…there’s nowhere else I’d rather be to celebrate our love than with you here, transforming ourselves again and taking this incredible group through this experience!”

Interestingly enough, at the moment that it actually turned November 9th (just after midnight) Paul and I were walking across fire together!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that really was the most MAGICAL and PERFECT way for us to celebrate the love we have created! Perfect for US! (maybe not you).

To celebrate and honor our marriage together by stepping across 6 feet of 2400 degree coals…leaving everything else behind and starting from that moment together…11 years to the date from the day we commemorated starting our life together!!!! PERFECT!


The picture above was taken just after midnight on our anniversary…

those feet just walked across FIRE baby!!!!!

It was the perfect metaphor, the perfect experience and perfectly Paul and Stacey in every way!!!!!!!  Best anniversary ever!

Living life, taking massive action, doing what others will not, living passionately, transforming ourselves, serving others and giving love…that’s what we are all about! There couldn’t be a more authentic way for us to have celebrated our union than to lead 25 loved ones through this transformational experience and firewalk!

But, to be truly transparent….this is NOT the first anniversary we forgot about! 

It’s amazing how many people say to us “how could you forget your anniversary?”

Paul and I had the greatest marriage ceremony in the history of the world…for US!  We flew down to Jamaica with 6 of our closest loved ones and got married in a gazebo out in the ocean! We wrote our own vows, wrote our own ceremony and began our marriage from that moment!

The marriage ceremony we created was meant to be just for the two of us…we wanted a marriage not a wedding.

To this day, we are so grateful for that day, it was perfect in every way for us!  We treasure our wedding day!

(Again, the marriage ceremony we created was perfect for US….everyone should do exactly what they want for their marriage ceremony…whatever that is for you.)

That being said…do you remember the last time you were in Jamaica, or any Caribbean island?  When you were there, did you know what the DATE was?  LOL!

In the Caribbean, there is no date, no day of the week, no time…no worries!

But why do we keep forgetting it now?  I realized why this weekend at UPW.  One of our friends said, “Yeah, but you know the date now, why do you keep forgetting it?”

And then it hit me….Because our wedding was not the highlight of our marriage! 

We do not idolize our wedding day, because last Saturday was EVEN BETTER than our wedding day was!  The unshakable love and unleashed passion that Paul and I have created takes our marriage to the next level all the time…it gets better every day!

So we are not looking backwards! We are living in this moment and looking forwards!

When you live this kind of love every day, when you live a life by design and not a life by default, when you live as the best version of yourself, when you give your love unconditionally, when you literally walk every day in your unshakable love and unleashed passion…then next Tuesday is the most romantic and amazing day of the year…until Wednesday comes 😉

Every day I feel like I can’t possibly love that man any more.  Then I wake up the next morning and realize I was wrong!

So, that’s why Paul and I rarely remember our anniversary, we rarely say the same date when people ask us when it is (I’m really pretty sure it’s November 9th) and that’s why we also often forget how many years we’ve been married, because often we don’t recall what year it was when we got married! (I’m pretty sure it was 2002)

So, Paul and I are happy to celebrate 11 years (pretty sure) of marriage this year! But that’s not really the best part.  Anyone can just stay married for 11 years…or 51 years.  EVERY SINGLE DAY Paul and I are out of our minds grateful, humbled, ecstatic, thrilled and bursting with love to celebrate the love we have today!!! That’s the real celebration!!!

So while today is November 21st, and not November 9th ….Celebrate our love with us!!!!  It’s even more awesome today, on a miscellaneous Thursday than it was a couple of Saturdays ago, on the anniversary of our marriage ceremony!!!

To the greatest man who walks the earth today, Paul Martino –You are everything in the world to me.  Everything begins and ends with you Paul.  You are the air that I breathe. I worship you. I am the luckiest girl in the world to get to be this near you every day, let alone be the person you love most in the world! As I said to you when I put that ring on your finger, “I love you with everything that I am and everything that I ever will be!” Love, Your Sunshine

Sending love,


p.s. One day I’ll tell you the story about how we’ve both lost our wedding rings in the weirdest ways…I mean really crazy stuff!